Access That Cover Pic 2 3 Mar 12, 2021

Access That!

Welcome to our blog, Access That! The purpose of this new blog is to share information about how you can stay connected with the world through telecommunications.

The past year has completely shifted the way in way we communicate. Never have we, as a society, been so deeply aware of the importance of being connected to others. We have heard from Iowans who were looking for ways to stay connected while socially distancing or being quarantined.

People, especially those who are at higher risk and isolated, and additionally have hearing loss or speech difficulty, are seeking ways to stay connected with those they love and those with whom they need to communicate.

Telecommunications access does not stop there. It is also a means to gather critical information regarding our health, safety, and welfare. It means having the means and access to stay abreast of what risks we face as a community where we live and what we need to know to stay safe. It means having access to remain employed at home rather than being laid off. Never has it been more important for persons who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech difficulty to have access. It is essential as a fundamental human right.

Our goal here at TAI is to provide functionally equivalent access to telecommunications to qualified Iowans who are Deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech difficulty. Qualified individuals can receive a voucher that pays for approximately 95% of the average cost of specialized telecommunications equipment, such as amplified phones, captioned telephones, and wireless devices.

With our new blog, Access That!, we are here to provide you more than just vouchers for equipment. We are to provide you information on how to stay connected with your loved ones, what new equipment or apps are available for you to use, different events for you to participate in, and many more!

Let’s stay connected!


For an ASL translation of the above post, please view the video below. Turn on the captions.