Frequently Asked Questions

How do I speed up the process of getting a voucher?

You can assure a speedy process by answering all of the questions completely. By not answering all of the questions, you may delay the voucher process. If you have any questions regarding how to fill out the application, please contact us.

We are committed to prompt service. Completed applications which meet all of the qualifications, will be processed as quickly as possible.

Do I have to show proof of communication need, i.e., hearing loss or speech difficulty?

Yes. You must have an appropriate professional in the field of hearing or speech sign the application form to verify that you have a need for a specialized telecommunications product.

However, if you are re-applying to this program, you do not need to have a signature from a professional. Simply write down “My hearing has not changed” in the professional signature section on the application.

Can I fax my application to Telecommunications Access Iowa (TAI)?

No. However, we do accept scanned and emailed applications at as long the eligibility requirements are met and it is legible.

How do I know what telecommunications equipment would best meet my needs?

If you need assistance to determine what kind of equipment or services would best meet your needs, contact the TAI office or visit our showroom to try out the different kinds of telephone products available. You can also contact or visit an Equipment Vendor closest to you.

Where do I buy telephone equipment once I receive my voucher?

TAI provides you with a list of Equipment Vendors available throughout the state and nationwide if you choose to order by mail.

Any organization or business affiliation with the Telecommunications Access Iowa (TAI) equipment vendor program does not imply any type of endorsement by the TAI program, Deaf Services Unlimited, or the Iowa Utilities Commission. Any equipment vendor not listed may contact TAI at 800-606-5099 for information on how to become a registered equipment vendor.

What if I change my mind and want to get a different phone?

If you haven’t purchased yet, have your Equipment Vendor contact TAI to authorize an equipment change to your voucher.

If you purchased the equipment, contact the Equipment Vendor to learn about their return policy. If you’re able to return the phone, the Equipment Vendor will work with you and TAI to exchange your product.

Do I have to give the telecommunications equipment back?

No, the equipment belongs to you and is yours to keep.

What if the telecommunications equipment doesn’t work?

Since you own the phone, contact the Equipment Vendor directly to see if your product is under warranty. If your warranty has expired, contact TAI and ask about our Special Request process.

We encourage voucher recipients to purchase a warranty for their telecommunications products.

How often can I re-apply for telecommunications products?

You can re-apply every three years for equipment. If your hearing or speech needs change within three years, you may be eligible to re-apply. Contact us to learn more.

Equipment Vendor or Dealer?

Please note that the term “Equipment Vendor” refers to any company or organization that supplies specialized telecommunications equipment. Any reference to the term “Dealer” in our documentation prior to July 2023 should be interpreted as “Equipment Vendor” going forward. We apologize for any confusion this may cause and appreciate your understanding.