Specialized equipment is available!

We have many options to meet your needs. Work with your hearing professional, doctor, and equipment vendor to select anything from a volume-control box attached to a telephone, an enhanced amplified telephone, a captioned telephone that displays the text of the conversation so callers can read along, a text telephone (TTY), or wireless devices with special pre-loaded accessibility apps that are specific to an individual’s communication needs, among many other unique devices. In addition to these products, you can also request a separate loud or flashing ringer that will alert you to the ringing of the telephone.

If you are unsure of which equipment will make telephone communication easy for you, visit the Product Types listed below.  If you need further assistance to determine what kind of equipment or services would best meet your needs, contact the TAI office or visit our showroom to try out the different kinds of telephone products available. Click here if you wish to see the complete list of approved equipment that we offer. You can visit our virtual showroom to see a sample of products we currently have on display. You can also contact or visit an Equipment Vendor closest to you.

Will the cost of my phone be covered by a voucher? 

The Voucher Value can help you estimate the cost of your telephone. You may pay little or no cost for the telephone equipment, depending on the brand and features of the phone. The voucher will cover up to 95% to 99% of the average cost of the equipment.

Approved Equipment List & Voucher Values


*Any organization or business affiliation with the Telecommunications Access Iowa (TAI) Equipment Vendor Program does not imply any type of endorsement by the TAI program, Deaf Services Unlimited, or the Iowa Utilities Commission.

Product Types

  • Hard of Hearing
  • Deaf
  • Deaf (individual needs to be able to speak)
  • Speech Difficulty