Apply Online ButtonClick on the above button to start applying online in the new Electronic Voucher Application (EVA) system.

  1. Create an account in EVA by going to “Sign In” and then click on “Don’t have an account? Sign up” at the bottom.
  2. Once an account is created, click on Start New Application & fill it out
  3. Upon completion, submit it and then TAI will process it.

Click here for a guideline on how to create an account with the State of Iowa.

If you need any assistance with applying, please contact us at (515) 282-5099 or email


If you prefer to download a printable form or would like us to mail you an application, please click the links below, visit Application Steps, or contact us at (515) 282-5099.

Phone Equipment Categories

  • Amplified Phone
  • Speech Amplified Phone
  • Captioned Telephone
  • In-Line/Wireless Device Amplifier
  • TTYs
  • Electrolarynx Telephone Kit

Captel phonePanasonic KX TGM450

Wireless Devices

  • iPad 256G Wifi Only
  • iPad Mini 256G Wifi Only
  • Samsung Tablet Wifi Only
  • iPhone 12 128G Unlocked
  • iPhone SE 128G Unlocked
  • Google Pixel 128G Unlocked
  • Samsung Galaxy 128G Unlocked

 Wireless Devices







TAI provides smartphones with Wi-Fi only. You may add cellular service if you choose, by contacting your local cellular service provider. 

Printable Application for Phone Equipment

TAI Application Cover

Printable Application for Wireless Devices

2021 TAI Wireless Application Cover Pic