Professional Signature
As part of the application process, you need to get a professional signature to verify that you are Deaf, hard-of-hearing, or have a speech difficulty, and that using equipment from the TAI program would benefit you greatly.
Who can sign your application?
It must be a licensed professional such as, including but not limited:
- Doctor
- Audiologist
- Hearing Aid Specialist
- Speech Pathologist
- Voc Rehab Counselor
- Teacher for the Deaf
- Sign Language Interpreter
- State or Federal Agency representative
If you are interested in applying to for telecommunications equipment, download an application form from our website, and take it to a professional. They can also help you fill out the form and send it to us by mail or scan & email.
Note – If you have received a voucher from TAI before, re-applying can be easier.
You may not need to have a professional to sign your application form to verify that your hearing loss or speech difficulty. Simply write “my hearing has not changed” in the section & initial it.
If you have any questions on who may sign your application to verify your communication needs, please do not hesitate to get connected with us, and we’ll be happy to work with you!